Record Updates We want to keep in touch and appreciate you updating your information with the Beloit College Alumni Office. Please allow up to two weeks for updates to take effect in our communications. All fields marked with asterisk (*) are required. header field Contact Information title required text field Title* Such as: Mr., Ms., Mrs., Mx., Dr., Reverend, Not Applicable, etc. first_name required text field First Name* preferred_name text field Preferred Name Preferred Name will override First Name in communications to and about you from the Beloit College Alumni Office middle_name text field Middle Name last_name required text field Last Name* previous_first_name text field Previous First Name previous_last_name text field Previous Last Name class_year text field Class Year gender text field Gender street_address_1 text field Street Address 1 street_address_2 text field Street Address 2 city text field City stateprovince text field State/Province zippostal_code text field Zip/Postal Code country text field Country home_phone text field Home Phone cell_phone text field Cell Phone email_address e-mail address field Email header field Employment Information company text field Company job_titledescription text field Job Title/Description start_date text field Start Date street_address_1 text field Street Address 1 street_address_2 text field Street Address 2 city text field City stateprovince text field State/Province zippostal_code text field Zip/Postal Code country text field Country work_phone text field Work Phone extension text field Extension work_cell text field Work Cell work_email text field Work Email header field Education Information other_institution_attended text field Other Institution Attended degreeabbreviation_ie_ma_msw_p text field Degree/Abbreviation (ie: M.A., MSW, PhD, etc.) date_graduated text field Date Graduated other_institution_attended text field Other Institution Attended degreeabbreviation_ie_ma_msw_p text field Degree/Abbreviation (ie: M.A., MSW, PhD, etc.) date_graduated text field Date Graduated header field Spouse/Partner Information first_name text field First Name middle_name text field Middle Name last_name text field Last Name previous_last_name text field Previous Last Name class_year text field Class Year gender text field Gender header field Spouse/Partner Employment Information company text field Company job_titledescription text field Job Title/Description start_date text field Start Date street_address_1 text field Street Address 1 street_address_2 text field Street Address 2 city text field City stateprovince text field State/Province zippostal_code text field Zip/Postal Code country text field Country work_phone text field Work Phone extension text field Extension work_cell text field Work Cell work_email text field Work Email header field Marital Status Change marriageunion_date text field Marriage/Union Date location text field Location if_divorced_date text field If Divorced, Date header field Family Additions name_first_middle_last text field Name (First, Middle, Last) birth_date text field Birth Date gender text field Gender name_first_middle_last text field Name (First, Middle, Last) birth_date text field Birth Date gender text field Gender header field Other Information class_notescomments textarea field Comments paragraph field By filling out this form, you consent to all communications to and about you going forward from the Beloit College Alumni Office will use your provided names. This can include event attendee lists, email salutation, gift receipts in honor of you by a donor, honor roll name, etc. If you have any questions, please reach out to Link (required)